Parent Coaching and Guidance

Parent Coaching and Guidance

Being a parent is one of the toughest, yet rewarding jobs! Through parent coaching and guidance, you can learn techniques and strategies that are effective in navigating through your child’s issues.

Whether you want to build a stronger bond with your teenage child or find healthier alternatives to manage your young child’s behavior, we can help!

  • Effective Discipline Strategies: learn methods that teach responsbility, decrease power struggles and gain a better insight into your child’s behavioral issues
  • Parent/ Child Relationship Training: learn how to understand your child’s language, build confidence in your parenting skills, and strengthen your bond
  • Child First Separation and Divorce Resolution: Master co-parenting techniques that improve your partnership and put your child(ren) first
  • Women Issues Counseling: Preconception and Pregnancy Counseling, Postpartum Depression Counseling, Stay-at-home Mother Support, and Working Mother Leadership